Haimeng Zhao

Haimeng Zhao

PhD Student in Physics



Hello ~ I’m Haimeng Zhao /haɪ məŋ dʒaʊ/ (赵海萌), a PhD student in Physics at Caltech. I’m deeply fascinated by how the universe works and how we can possibly understand it. So I started working in the intersection of Physics and Artificial Intelligence.

In particular, I’m interested in the foundation, applications and interplay of quantum many-body physics, information theory and high-dimensional statistics. I strive to understand scientific discovery as a quantum process and exploit its quantum nature to facilitate discoveries.

Before Caltech, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics with Honours from Tsinghua University. I was an undergrad research fellow in John Preskill’s group at IQIM, Caltech and an exchange student in Giuseppe Carleo’s group at EPFL in Switzerland. At Tsinghua, I worked on quantum information in Dong-Ling Deng’s group at IIIS and AI for Astronomy with Wei Zhu.


  • Quantum Many-body Physics
  • Quantum Information, Complexity & Learning Theory
  • AI for Science, especially Physics & Astrophysics


  • PhD Student in Physics


  • BS in Mathematics and Physics, 2024

    Tsinghua University

  • Outstanding Graduate, 2020

    Shanghai High School


(2024). Empirical Sample Complexity of Neural Network Mixed State Reconstruction. Quantum 8, 1358.

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(2024). CPS Attack Detection under Limited Local Information in Cyber Security: A Multi-node Multi-class Classification Ensemble Approach. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 20 (2), 1-27.


(2023). Learning quantum states and unitaries of bounded gate complexity.

PDF Code Talk

(2023). Non-IID Quantum Federated Learning with One-shot Communication Complexity. Quantum Machine Intelligence, 5(1), 3.

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